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"There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness." -- Josh Billings

81-Burning Man--A Photo Essay
@ CherieSpotting     Sep 05 2002 - 13:29 PST
cherie writes:

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122 people voluntered to model mud for a "professional" photographer in the Black Rock Desert.  Jean, Anne, Rennie and I were among the muddy.

122 people voluntered to model mud for a "professional" photographer in the Black Rock Desert. Jean, Anne, Rennie and I were among the muddy.

Here's me on the only transportation I had the entire week at Burning Man--a bike!

Here's me on the only transportation I had the entire week at Burning Man--a bike!

Jean and Dustin in front of our theme camp, "The Burning Man Yacht Club".

Jean and Dustin in front of our theme camp, "The Burning Man Yacht Club".

Some people get high the artificial way.  Dustin's only "high" was flying his kite!

Some people get high the artificial way. Dustin's only "high" was flying his kite!

Burning Man exercise camp!

Burning Man exercise camp!

Jean, Anne and Cherie in our shaving cream bikinis!

Jean, Anne and Cherie in our shaving cream bikinis!

Walking to the daily "Foam Party" at 3:00 o'clock!

Walking to the daily "Foam Party" at 3:00 o'clock!

A fish-car?

A fish-car?

They told us we could wear anything we want.  We could even walk around just in a "thong".  So we made "thongs" to walk around in!

They told us we could wear anything we want. We could even walk around just in a "thong". So we made "thongs" to walk around in!

Greg in his thong!

Greg in his thong!

Anne and Rennie hanging out in their flip-flops!

Anne and Rennie hanging out in their flip-flops!

Greg and Cherie...because "wearing thongs is just so comfortable!"

Greg and Cherie...because "wearing thongs is just so comfortable!"

Jean on stage with her "thong" at the Burning Man "Fashion Show".  (I think we were the only ones there!)

Jean on stage with her "thong" at the Burning Man "Fashion Show". (I think we were the only ones there!)

This guy's mom said he had the best manners!

This guy's mom said he had the best manners!

Orange and silver guy.

Orange and silver guy.

She's looking a little "green", she must have ordered the fish!

She's looking a little "green", she must have ordered the fish!

The typical "couple next door".

The typical "couple next door".

He is feeling "red hot", but she's feeling a little blue!

He is feeling "red hot", but she's feeling a little blue!

Ever gamble in a giant rubber duckie?

Ever gamble in a giant rubber duckie?

It's not every day that you see a gumball machine driving by on your morning bike ride.

It's not every day that you see a gumball machine driving by on your morning bike ride.

To get out of the gumball machine, you just take a ride down the slide!

To get out of the gumball machine, you just take a ride down the slide!

Jean with the desert mermaid.

Jean with the desert mermaid.

This guy is a walking add for sunscreen!

This guy is a walking add for sunscreen!

She's feeling just duckie!

She's feeling just duckie!

There is the man they burn!

There is the man they burn!

The man, at night.

The man, at night.

He's the man!

He's the man!

Didn't you know that "blue lips" are going to be the "in" thing next year?  You saw it here first.

Didn't you know that "blue lips" are going to be the "in" thing next year? You saw it here first.

Me, in my sister's prom dress, in front of our "Burning Man Yacht Club".

Me, in my sister's prom dress, in front of our "Burning Man Yacht Club".

This guy gets the award for best adaptation of the Burning Man theme, which was "The Floating World".

This guy gets the award for best adaptation of the Burning Man theme, which was "The Floating World".

I hate it when they fight!  Here is Greg and Anne jousting again!

I hate it when they fight! Here is Greg and Anne jousting again!

There is something fishy going on in this picture!  Greg, stop playing in the fish's mouth!

There is something fishy going on in this picture! Greg, stop playing in the fish's mouth!

Here's where everyone went poddy.  Surprisingly, the "portable poddies" were less-gross than expected.

Here's where everyone went poddy. Surprisingly, the "portable poddies" were less-gross than expected.

Pray that you never meet super-scary guy when you are alone is some dark alley.

Pray that you never meet super-scary guy when you are alone is some dark alley.

Talk about an office in the middle of no where.  Some people just can't get away from there work!

Talk about an office in the middle of no where. Some people just can't get away from there work!

Here is another artsy thing in the middle of the desert, with me reflected in the mirror.

Here is another artsy thing in the middle of the desert, with me reflected in the mirror.

Even some of the toilets were decorated.  There's nothing like taking a poop in style.

Even some of the toilets were decorated. There's nothing like taking a poop in style.

Yes, even in the middle of Black Rock Desert you can golf.  Here is a guy attending to the greens.  (Rather, he is painting the green.)

Yes, even in the middle of Black Rock Desert you can golf. Here is a guy attending to the greens. (Rather, he is painting the green.)

Why buy a bikini, when you can just paint one on for a fraction of the cost!

Why buy a bikini, when you can just paint one on for a fraction of the cost!

Anne and I taking a little bike ride.  All dressed up and no where to go.

Anne and I taking a little bike ride. All dressed up and no where to go.

For a little intellectual stimulation, you can engage in a game of chess, played with dildos of course.

For a little intellectual stimulation, you can engage in a game of chess, played with dildos of course.

Jean hanging out on her Ottoman.  Around her is her "empire".  You never know what you are going to find in the middle of the desert!

Jean hanging out on her Ottoman. Around her is her "empire". You never know what you are going to find in the middle of the desert!

The "Temple of Joy" burned to the gound in memory of 9/11 victims the last day of the festival.

The "Temple of Joy" burned to the gound in memory of 9/11 victims the last day of the festival.

This guy was on his way to the "Costco Soul Mate Trading Outlet".  He said personality didn't matter, he just wanted someone tall.

This guy was on his way to the "Costco Soul Mate Trading Outlet". He said personality didn't matter, he just wanted someone tall.

Greg look sheik in his turbin.

Greg look sheik in his turbin.

Welcome to Burning Man Yacht Club.  Your membership dues are your smile and a good attitude.

Welcome to Burning Man Yacht Club. Your membership dues are your smile and a good attitude.

Now that is one VW Bug without an ego problem!

Now that is one VW Bug without an ego problem!

Something's fishy in this here neighborhood.

Something's fishy in this here neighborhood.

Greg and I in the lobster-car.  Who knew lobsters could go over 30 mph?

Greg and I in the lobster-car. Who knew lobsters could go over 30 mph?

Here I am in front of the "Costco Soul Mate Trading Outlet" where you can exchange your current soul mate for the "real one"!

Here I am in front of the "Costco Soul Mate Trading Outlet" where you can exchange your current soul mate for the "real one"!

You know you have always secretly wanted a giant Connect Four game.

You know you have always secretly wanted a giant Connect Four game.

Guess who won the game?  Hint: if I lost, I probably wouldn't mention it.

Guess who won the game? Hint: if I lost, I probably wouldn't mention it.

This guy looks comfy on his morning stroll.

This guy looks comfy on his morning stroll.

Typcial Burning Man camp.

Typcial Burning Man camp.

One of my artsy shots.  I call this "desert umbrella".

One of my artsy shots. I call this "desert umbrella".

I call this shot "sleeping man".

I call this shot "sleeping man".

Mnay people even bring their kids to Burning Man.  This kid told me to take the picture because "he was smiling already!"

Mnay people even bring their kids to Burning Man. This kid told me to take the picture because "he was smiling already!"

If the driver of this car cuts you off you can say: "What a dick!"

If the driver of this car cuts you off you can say: "What a dick!"

If the driver of this bike cuts you off you can say: "What an ass!"

If the driver of this bike cuts you off you can say: "What an ass!"

If you see this sign you can say: "Bullshit".

If you see this sign you can say: "Bullshit".

Cherie making sure that Jean doesn't miss any spots!

Cherie making sure that Jean doesn't miss any spots!

Jean, enjoying her mud bath!

Jean, enjoying her mud bath!

The desert sunset is worth a climb on top of your vehicle.

The desert sunset is worth a climb on top of your vehicle.

Anne and Rennie enjoying the sunset after a sand storm.

Anne and Rennie enjoying the sunset after a sand storm.

Just one of the six founding members of the Burning Man Yacht Club.

Just one of the six founding members of the Burning Man Yacht Club.

Naked people chasing the water-truck as it sprays the streets!

Naked people chasing the water-truck as it sprays the streets!

See what happens if you break your butt!  Jean's body is so great, they decided to make a body-cast of her!

See what happens if you break your butt! Jean's body is so great, they decided to make a body-cast of her!

Me and my disposable bikini...which was both painted and sprayed on!

Me and my disposable bikini...which was both painted and sprayed on!

The "Critical Tits" bike ride where thousands of women ride through the desert with decorated breasts!

The "Critical Tits" bike ride where thousands of women ride through the desert with decorated breasts!

'Critical Tits' bike rally

'Critical Tits' bike rally

More 'Critical Tits'

More 'Critical Tits'

This car got a little mixed thought there was a "Critical Dicks" rally!

This car got a little mixed thought there was a "Critical Dicks" rally!

More "Critical Tits"

More "Critical Tits"

Now that's one bunch of "happy campers!"  (Notice my blue Jeep Cherokee)

Now that's one bunch of "happy campers!" (Notice my blue Jeep Cherokee)

Waiting out the sandstorm.  Jean with her ski goggles, Anne with her sarong, and Rennie with his well placed beer.

Waiting out the sandstorm. Jean with her ski goggles, Anne with her sarong, and Rennie with his well placed beer.

Jean coming...the tent going.  What do you do when your home blows away?

Jean coming...the tent going. What do you do when your home blows away?

The sandstorm can't stop Dustin from having a beer!

The sandstorm can't stop Dustin from having a beer!

Octopus car.

Octopus car.

