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"Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other." -- Ann Landers

150--Nevada: Burning Man 2003 "The Lure of Fire" : message board

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    dates, dates
    (by margie (Standard user) Sep 10 / 22:14)

    Cherie, was at burning man this year, 1st time, I know a few of the people, or at least met them, in your photos. I did a bit of traveling for 1 1/2 years in Asis recently but now back in the bay area to take care of my Mom who is recoverying from cancer and now a broken hip, she broke it the day I got back from Nevada! Anyway, did the TMLP for 2 years in NYC so familiar with Landmark. Did you do the wisdom course? We had to put together an autobiograhpy. Impressive bit of work you put together here. I would like to see everythign dated so we can see when they happened, maybe you do date them, but the only thing that stood out to me was the posting date.

    marg Thanks for your great site, I want to put together one like it and have been dragging my feet. Good travel adventures where are you living now?