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"It's a good idea to obey all the rules when you're young just so you'll have the strength to break them when you're old." -- Mark Twain
Sailing the BVI
@ Where`s Cherie?
Sep 30 2012 - 11:31 PST |
 Jean, Michael, Cherie, and Greg - the crew of Shiraz! | greg writes: This spring Jean, Michael, Cherie, and Greg chartered Shiraz, a 40-foot Beneteau sailboat for two weeks in the British Virgin Islands. The BVI is the ideal sailing destination, with a steady 10-15kt breeze, dozens of unique and idyllic anchorages, each only a couple hours sail from each-other, and the warm crystal-clear water of the Caribbean. We can't wait to do it again!
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Banderas Bay Regatta 2012
@ Where`s Cherie?
Apr 08 2012 - 16:23 PST |
 Cupatillo racing in the Banderas Bay Regatta (photo by Debra Adams on Murar's Dream) | greg writes: After a multi-year absence, Cherie and I returned to Puerto Vallarta to meet old friends and compete in one of our favorite sailing events, the Banderas Bay Regatta. When we arrived we really felt our favorite place to sail had 'grown up'..
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443: Cal--Tacky Engagement Party (Part 2)
@ CherieSpotting
May 18 2010 - 12:07 PST | cherie writes: Now how can we be sure that we were at a trailer-trash party?
You might be at Cherie & Greg’s Engagement Party if: the kiddie pool is filled with beer, the coolers are Styrofoam, the furniture is inflatable (or held together with duct tape), the cuisine is hot-links, the teeth are bad, the hair is big, the tattoos are removable, the fashion is animal-print, the eyelashes are fake and the art is compliments of NASCAR. Don’t forget Jerry Springer on the big screen!
Call them folks what you like: white trash, trailer trash or red neck…I call them friends and family. Here’s another batch of trashy photos. First Batch of Pics
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442: Cal: Cherie & Greg's Tacky Engagement Party (Part 1)
@ Where`s Cherie?
May 17 2010 - 14:14 PST | cherie writes: Do you love NASCAR, pink flamingos and fuzzy dice? Do you secretly dream of cheese-wiz and spam? Do you think doughnuts are an "anytime" food? Do you drive a purple Camaro? (Seriously, that was Greg’s car until he upgraded to the ’92 300ZX)
Do your muscle shirts and fringe jackets not get the appreciation that they deserve? Then you shouldn’t miss these photos of Cherie and Greg’s Tacky Engagement Party. After eight years, Cherie and Greg are finally makin' it legal. Don't miss the Second Batch of Pics
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440--California: Italian Mafia Party
@ CherieSpotting
Jan 18 2010 - 12:22 PST |
 The tacky, fabulous "mafia wives" ready to ride: Tracy, Cherie & Brooke. | cherie writes: Brooke & Kevin hosted an Italian Mafia Party, where we dressed up, made homemade pasta, ate Italian food, wrapped the couch in plastic, posed on Brooke’s scooter, drank wine, puffed on cigars and tried to “act Italian” (whatever that means!)
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439--Nevada: It's the People (Burning Man Evolution 2009)
@ CherieSpotting
Sep 25 2009 - 19:03 PST |
 Brian, Karem, Cherie, Greg, Jessa and Andy throw on a dash of pink and head over to the Pink Mammoth for the afternoon dance party. | cherie writes: What is "playa-wear"? As far as fashion is concerned, anything, everything and nothing are all good choices in the Black Rock Desert. People never cease to surprise me at Burning Man. It's not what they wear that is shocking--it's how much they give.
You never know what the day will bring when you're in Black Rock City. Whether it is dancing at the Pink Mammoth, watching a trapeze show, enjoying the Pop Corn Palace, watching dogs play poker, or playing mini-golf with Tom Cruise...anything can happen.
Sometimes the day is just plain silly, like when you find yourself on a balance beam whacking your friend with a giant drum stick. Other times the day is serious, like when you stumble through the desert and find thousands of combat boots that represent soldiers that were recently killed.
One thing is certain—Black Rock City is full of life, love, acceptance, and wonder. And in the end, Burning Man is all about the people. (Greg says it is also about the laser beams.)
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