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"Unhappiness is not knowing what we want, and killing ourselves to get it." -- Don Herold
419--Wyoming: Yellowstone National Park
@ CherieSpotting
Nov 20 2008 - 14:59 PST |
 Cherie by a geyser about to erupt in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. | cherie writes: Yellowstone National Park is a wonderland of steamy color and interesting wildlife. Greg and I watched wolves, elk, bears, coyote, squirrels, birds and buffalo. Joining wolf-watchers and geyser gazers, we explored the park’s mud volcanoes, petrified trees, and obsidian cliffs. And we saw enough erupting geysers and geothermic features to hold Greg over for the next decade. I, on the other hand, could always watch one more geyser explode.
It was here in Yellowstone that Greg picked up a new euphemism for farting. On the rare occasion Greg “passes gas” he now says: “I think we just passed another geothermic feature.” You have no idea how horrible it is to be cooped up with a stinky fart inside a vehicle in Yellowstone. You’re stuck because that rotten egg smell is now both outside the car (actually emitting from cracks in the earth) and inside the car (emitting from other cracks.) Greg says he’ll stop imitating geothermic features if I stop finding more geysers to watch. That’s a difficult deal to make, since over half the world’s geysers are located in Yellowstone. Watch our Yellowstone video.
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418: Wyoming: Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in Dubois
@ CherieSpotting
Nov 15 2008 - 14:48 PST |
 Cherie and Greg with Mark and Ann on the Bighorn Sheep tour run out of Dubois, Wyoming. | cherie writes: We came to Dubois to take the sheep tour. A “sheep tour” sounds pretty lame until you put the word “Bighorn” in front of it—then it becomes cool. We wanted to get close to the sheep, so we learned about them first at the National Bighorn Sheep Interpretive Center (which is located on Ramshorn street—love it!)
A charming couple named Mark and Ann joined us for the four-hour off-roading adventure in a suburban up into the mountains in search of the Whiskey Mountain Herd. Before we left, I snapped some photos of some sheep in the visitor center—just in case we didn’t see any on our tour. (Also, visitor center sheep are much easier to photograph since they don’t move!)
Our guide cranked the 4x4 on and we rumbled towards the hills.
I was full of childlike energy (I can’t wait to see the sheep!), until our guide mentioned the petroglyphs. She kept talking about how amazing the local petroglyphs were, which made me uneasy because I didn’t want our bighorn sheep tour to morph into a petroglyph tour. (It didn't!)
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