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"You can tell the size of a man by the size of the things that make him mad." -- Adlai Stevenson


229--Wisconsin: The Sea Biscuit Chronicles
@ CherieSpotting     Aug 29 2004 - 16:27 PST
Allison and Julie "get air" on the sea biscuit.

Allison and Julie "get air" on the sea biscuit.

cherie writes: It may have been a language misunderstanding. Sam's family is from England where they go to the water closet, smoke fags, put tomato sauce on their hot dogs, and get pissed at pubs.

Perhaps Adrian, Sam's English Uncle, thought a "sea biscuit" was a tasty pastry served after a long day on the water. When offered a sea biscuit, he eagerly accepted.

The dictionary defines "sea biscuit" as a hard bread made only of flower and water. If a modern definition was included, it might say something like this:

Sea biscuit, n. An inflatable device dragged behind a boat at high speeds with screaming passengers. The boat driver's goal is to eject the victim off the sea biscuit while the rider holds on for dear life.
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228--Wisconsin: Bilida, Dockside Antics
@ Site News     Aug 28 2004 - 11:59 PST
Will these kids ever grow up?

Will these kids ever grow up?

cherie writes: Bilida is Allison's family lake house in Iron County, Wisconsin. For one week, friends and family gathered and sat on the dock, took booze cruises, wake-boared, sailed, canoed and went bird watching.

Not only did we see the loons Mercer is "World Famous" for, but we found ourselves acting a little looney ourselves.
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227--Wisconsin: Black Celebration (The Wedding Party!)
@ Site News     Aug 25 2004 - 09:58 PST
How many bride's are down-to-earth enough to use a Port-a-Poddy on their wedding day?  Only the best for this wonderful couple!

How many bride's are down-to-earth enough to use a Port-a-Poddy on their wedding day? Only the best for this wonderful couple!

cherie writes: The Black Celebration happened on Aug 19, 2004. Family and friends of Allison and Sam Black danced and partied all night long in honor of the bride and groom.

You couldn't have dreamed up a better lake-side wedding. The food was delicious, the 8-peice band went all night, and there was even "premium" Port-o-Poddies.

Speeches were made, tears were shed, and smiles could be found in each corner of the tent!
*Photos by Dustin Fox.
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226--Wisconsin: Allison & Sam's Wedding
@ Site News     Aug 19 2004 - 16:21 PST
Sam and Allison with Rev. Cherie married on Aug. 19. 2004 in Mercer, Wisconsin.

Sam and Allison with Rev. Cherie married on Aug. 19. 2004 in Mercer, Wisconsin.

cherie writes: On August 19, 2004 I officiated my second wedding in Mercer, Wisconsin.

Allison Sullivan and Sam Black were married near the magestic lake front property of their family property called "Bilida."

It was a brisk and glorious day filled with sunshine and smiles. Sixty friends and family gathered for the intimate ceremony where Rev. Cherie pronouced Sam and Allison husband and wife.

*These photos were taken by Dustin Fox and Adrian.
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