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"Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been." -- Mark Twain

Turks & Caicos

121--Turks and Caicos: The Hitch-hiker
@ CherieSpotting     Mar 02 2003 - 16:16 PST
Who is that in the truck behind me?  I hope it is not a scary man!

Who is that in the truck behind me? I hope it is not a scary man!

cherie writes: The Hitch-Hiker

People who pick up hitch-hikers always get a bad rap. The helpful drivers are depicted as murderers and rapists instead of the good Samaritans they usually are. But what if you get into the wrong car at the wrong time and your worst nightmares materialize?

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119--Turks & Caicos: Windsurfing Discovered
@ CherieSpotting     Feb 24 2003 - 17:33 PST
This is a very difficult trick called "standing mast with falling girl".  Incredibly, I mastered this trick in less than an hour.

This is a very difficult trick called "standing mast with falling girl". Incredibly, I mastered this trick in less than an hour.

cherie writes: Turks and Caicos—Windsurfing Discovered!

Turks and Caicos are a group of 48 Caribbean Islands owned by the British. (Anytime I say “owned by the British,” you can assume that means it is very expensive. But I guess that’s the price we have to pay to listen to people with cool accents.)

Provo is the most popular island because of its gorgeous beaches. Everything in Provo has an ocean front view--from the bars and restaurants to the playgrounds and cemeteries. If you don’t like beaches-- you can enjoy yourself by visiting the world’s only Conch Farm located in Provo. I now know more than any human should know about sea-snails.
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