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"The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page." -- St. Augustine
328--Spain: Barcelona, Glamour in Squalor: Fashion Model for a Day
@ CherieSpotting
Oct 18 2005 - 10:17 PST | cherie writes: I slipped into the extraordinary life of a fashion model for one day in Barcelona, Spain. What’s it like for an ordinary woman to be dipped in glamour for a brief moment? What does it feel like to have people staring at and fawning over you? Do photographers really say lame things like: “Make love to the camera?” (No!)
The idea of being a “fashion model” was a novelty for me. I’m not used to wearing much make-up or taking more than a few minutes to arrange my hair. I was an empty canvass (except for the wrinkles and freckles) waiting for the make-up artist to create a new look on my face. Isn’t a modeling simply another form of human art? Being a model for a day was like trying on another life. I looked in the mirror and saw myself. It was me, but it wasn’t me. My reflection was another possibility of me, a side of me I had never explored. I felt strange and silly; coy and courageous; alive and awake, beautiful and brazen.
Eric Garcia, a fashion photographer, took these photos of me on the streets of Barcelona, Spain. For Shoot 1 we ducked behind an alley. All dolled up, I sat on an old mattress surrounded by weeds and graffiti art. Modeling is a work-out so for Shoot 2 we climbed eight flights of stairs until we reached a rooftop where I lounged on an inflatable couch with zebra pants and a black boa. (By the way, I do that all the time!) As the day turned into night, I wrapped myself in a trench coat and pulled my suitcase down the busiest street in Barcelona, Las Ramblas.
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327--Spain: Ibiza, All night clubbing island-style
@ CherieSpotting
Oct 17 2005 - 18:33 PST |
 It's easy to forget the name of this popular club in Ibiza. It must be Amnesia. | cherie writes: This island isn’t known for its world-class beaches. Ibiza is famous its huge clubs that charge huge cover-charges. And utimately clubbers end up with a huge hangover the next day.
Ibiza is a scene. It’s a clubber’s Mecca with venues open all night long. Hip Europeans flock to Ibiza and drop Euros like an addict drops acid. Some clubs charge as much as $100 just to walk in the door.
It's no surprise that Ibiza is home to Privilege, the world’s biggest club. You can also dance all night at clubs like Pacha or Amnesia. (It’s easy to forget the name of that club!) If you’re not a night person don’t worry. Space opens at 7:00am for those clubbers who want to continue dancing after the sun has come up.
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327--Spain: Barcelona, Street Performers
@ CherieSpotting
Oct 12 2005 - 17:03 PST |
 You never know who you are going to meet on street in Barcelona. | cherie writes: Barcelona is a city of surprises waiting to be opened. The Tango dancers inspired us. The crystal-ball-guy enchanted us. The silver guys made us smile. And the impromptu performance by the dog and cat made us realize that sometimes timing is everything.
You never know what to expect when you walk down a Spanish street. Barcelona is a magical city and the perfect place to stumble upon dozens of small miracles.
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325--Spain: Formentera, Something About Mary
@ CherieSpotting
Oct 10 2005 - 10:38 PST |
 Mary keeps her great figure by eating plenty of cheesy poofs. And I think she did a sit-up in 1987. | cherie writes: Mary (and her fan club) sailed to Formentera together celebrate Mary's 30th Birthday. We rented 4 houses on the island of Formentera, just a short ferry-ride (or sail in our case) away from Ibiza.
Formentera lies off the coast of Spain and is one of the main Balearic Islands along with Majorca (Mallorca), Minorca (Menorca), and Ibiza (Eivissa.) The picturesque islands have been invaded by almost everyone including the Romans, the Byzantines and the Arabs. Most recently Formentera was invaded by Mary's clan of 29 friends.
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324--Spain: Ibiza, Rock this Boat
@ CherieSpotting
Oct 04 2005 - 13:50 PST |
 The ladies prepare to rock the boat as they sail from Ibiza to Formentera. | cherie writes: There's a lot more to do on a boat than just sail. For example, if you jump off and grab a dragging line, you can get a free 'salt exfoliation treatment' valued at over $120. (Just remember not to drink the water!)
If fancy treatments aren't your thing, perhaps you could sign up for Murray's complimentary afternoon aerobics class. Sailors have to stay in shape these days.
If you don't like exercise, just sit back and much on some ham-flavored chips. We still have plenty of them left!
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324--Spain: Ibiza, Ready to Jump Ship?
@ CherieSpotting
Oct 03 2005 - 13:12 PST |
 Cherie jumps ship at Mary's 30th Birthday party in Ibiza, Spain. *Photo by Demian. | cherie writes: What happens when you gather 29 friends from 7 countries and charter 2 boats? You celebrate Mary's 30th Birthday!
We chartered a sleek new Bavaria and an old wooden ketch and crammed all 30 of us aboard. (We were 30 if you count the stow-away octopus!)
As an added perk we also got names we couldn't pronouce, an octopus we couldn't eat, free aerobic lessons, a shroud-dancing class, an acrobatic air-show, and guacamole sandwiches for lunch. Did I forget to mention the free T-shirt?
Take a leap of faith and look at our photos from Ibiza, Spain.
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