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"You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom." -- Malcolm X


Sailing the BVI
@ Where`s Cherie?     Sep 30 2012 - 11:31 PST
Jean, Michael, Cherie, and Greg - the crew of Shiraz!

Jean, Michael, Cherie, and Greg - the crew of Shiraz!

greg writes: This spring Jean, Michael, Cherie, and Greg chartered Shiraz, a 40-foot Beneteau sailboat for two weeks in the British Virgin Islands. The BVI is the ideal sailing destination, with a steady 10-15kt breeze, dozens of unique and idyllic anchorages, each only a couple hours sail from each-other, and the warm crystal-clear water of the Caribbean. We can't wait to do it again!
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428--Key West:The Wrecker's Race
@ CherieSpotting     Feb 23 2009 - 19:06 PST
Jason, Cherie, Bob and Kristine aboard "Grateful Red" for the 22 Feb. 2009 Key West Wrecker's Race.

Jason, Cherie, Bob and Kristine aboard "Grateful Red" for the 22 Feb. 2009 Key West Wrecker's Race.

cherie writes: Greg and I went to the Captain’s Meeting for the Schooner Wharf Bar’s Wrecker’s Cup Race, held in Key West. Wanting to crew on a boat, Greg and I introduced ourselves to Ken, Kristine and Bob, who said they’d be happy to have us aboard their C & C named “Grateful Red.”

“But we have to warn you,” Kristine said. “We like to wear wigs as we cross the finish line!”

“We found the perfect boat,” I exclaimed. Here are the photos of the crew aboard Grateful Red for the Wrecker’s Cup Race on Feb. 22, 2009. Grateful Red took second place in the race, and first place in fun.
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404--Mexico: The Vallarta Cup
@ CherieSpotting     Jan 21 2008 - 15:41 PST
Cherie on Chére, a Beneteau 461 owned by friends Charlie and Cathy Simon.

Cherie on Chére, a Beneteau 461 owned by friends Charlie and Cathy Simon.

cherie writes: The first Vallarta Cup is currently taking place in Banderas Bay off of Puerto Vallarta. A series of four races every Saturday during the month of January 2008, the Vallarta Cup attracted yachts from a tiny J80 owned by J World to the massive J160s Blue and Nova Kane.

But the Vallarta Cup wasn’t just full of J-boat racers. Charlie and Cathy Simon brought out their Beneteau 461 Chére (shockingly not named after me!), Dorr Anderson skippered his Jeaneau 40 Bright Star while Jamie and Christine Tate brought out their Hylas 46 Morning Light and raced against Charissa, a Peterson Liberty 458.

Which yacht won the race didn’t really matter (that means we didn’t win.) It was all about the fun in the sun and making new friends while practicing new racing strategies!

If you can think of a better way to spend a Saturday, let me know. Wind and sails were made for each other, and if there’s a breeze this week--you’ll find us on the water!
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383--Mexico: Pirates for Pupils 2007
@ CherieSpotting     Apr 03 2007 - 18:08 PST
Rennie packs his cutlass and rounds up two wenches (Cherie & Beth) before he boards the 70-ft cat Humu Humu to help raise money in the 2007 Pirates for Pupils Spinnaker Run.

Rennie packs his cutlass and rounds up two wenches (Cherie & Beth) before he boards the 70-ft cat Humu Humu to help raise money in the 2007 Pirates for Pupils Spinnaker Run.

cherie writes: Over 75 “pirates” aboard 10 sea-worthy vessels made their way to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico last week to raise money for the local children of Punta Mita, Mexico in the 4th Annual “Pirates for Pupils Spinnaker Run.”

Old sea dogs climbed aboard cats and sailed to Punta Mita in search of booty. Pirates swaggered up the picturesque beach searching for cold brew and warm grub. To avoid getting scurvy, the thirsty pirates made sure to squeeze plenty of lime in their mugs of grog. Finding no buried treasure, the pirates opened their pockets and raised over $2000 which will be divided between a special needs school in El Pitillal, the local kindergarten class and the health clinic in Punta Mita.

The gang of rowdy pirates feasted at El Dorado Restaurant and then rounded up their crews for the sail back to Paradise Village. Before the bilge rats and buxom beauties were rounded up with a waving cutlass, the local children of Punta Mita paraded around the restaurant in costumes. A kindergarten queen and king thanked everyone for their generous donations to the local Mexican school. With their pockets empty and their bellies full, the pirates made their way back to their ships and prepared to head back to Paradise.
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360--California: BYC Beercan Race in Newport Beach
@ Site News     Jul 14 2006 - 16:38 PST
Sailing is a team sport.  Chuck Brewer, owner/driver of "Heartbeat" pictured with World Champion sailor Craig McCabe.  "Heartbeat" beat the fleet on July 13th and sailed home with a clear-cut victory. *All photos by Cherie Sogsti

Sailing is a team sport. Chuck Brewer, owner/driver of "Heartbeat" pictured with World Champion sailor Craig McCabe. "Heartbeat" beat the fleet on July 13th and sailed home with a clear-cut victory. *All photos by Cherie Sogsti

Cherie writes: What makes “Heartbeat” pump? “It’s her amazing crew,” said owner Chuck Brewer II of NHYC.

Brewer bought “Heartbeat”, a Farr 45, last year to compete against Rose & Beery’s ID 48 “It’s OK.”. While Chuck’s boat may be new to the Newport Beach racing scene, his experienced crew isn’t. Tactician Carl Swaisgood has been sailing with Brewer for 22 years and most of the crew has been loyal to Chuck for over a decade.

At the Balboa Yacht Club Beercan race on July 13th “Heartbeat” had an incredible start that turned into a substantial lead. The day’s victory and honors went to “Heartbeat” and her crew. Enjoy these racing photos and get a glimpse into the life of local Newport Beach racing.
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356--California: American Legion YC 4th of July
@ CherieSpotting     Jul 05 2006 - 16:06 PST
Newport Beach Mayor Don Webb welcomes US Marine Josh Rynders aboard the Defever 52 donated by Horizon Yachts.

Newport Beach Mayor Don Webb welcomes US Marine Josh Rynders aboard the Defever 52 donated by Horizon Yachts.

Cherie writes: Happy Birthday America!
The American Legion Post 291 and ALYC hosted the annual Newport Harbor 4th of July Old Glory Boat Parade last Tuesday. Thousands of patriotic spectators watched the flag-waving boats chug through the harbor on Independence Day. Skipper Rob Jones of “Whiskey Sauer” took the Newport Beach mayor out to view the boat parade which included over 60 decorated boats. The parade loop took boaters about 2 ½ hours to complete and started and finished at the smallest island in the harbor—Collins Island.

Over one-hundred Legion volunteers gathered on the 4th of July to help raise money for veterans, troops and their families. Kids like Connor Gutierrez (11) helped flip pancakes and serve over one-thousand pancake breakfasts.

“This is about veterans helping veterans,” said Randy Eling, the Commander of the American Legion. “We’re old dogs helping the new kids, because we know what it’s like out there in battle. We want our troops to come home and have support.” Read Cherie’s complete story

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347--Mexcio: Banderas Bay Regatta 2006 on Profligate
@ CherieSpotting     Apr 07 2006 - 14:39 PST
The champion crew of "Profligate" the surfing 63-ft cat skippered by Richard Spindler.

The champion crew of "Profligate" the surfing 63-ft cat skippered by Richard Spindler.

cherie writes: The crew of Profligate headed out to Banderas Bay for 3-days of racing and 4-days of parties. "Gentlemen, start your livers," joked Rennie who trimmed the 63-ft catamaran's jib sheet. In Mexico, the racing crews learn how to drink beer fast and tequila right: no salt, no lime and no faces.

But, the Banderas Bay Regatta is more than a bunch of sailors gulping grog. In 3-days of racing, Profligate sailed to a 1st place finish overall in her division and a 2nd place finish in the costume contest. Click here to see the official results We actually won $600 in the costume contest! Here are our crew's photos from the Banderas Bay Regatta 2006:
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