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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"America is the only country in the world where you can burn the flag but can't tear the tag off the mattress." -- Jackie Mason

Puerto Rico

127--Puerto Rico: Pretty in Pink
@ CherieSpotting     Apr 06 2003 - 12:43 PST
Real men aren't afraid to wear pink.

Real men aren't afraid to wear pink.

cherie writes: It takes a man with a good self-esteem to feel confident in a skin-tight pink body suit, particularly if it is three sizes too small. It is a testament to my sales ability that I convinced my dad to squish into my bright pink snorkel-suit. What were the other snorkelers thinking? Was the tall pink man a horrible experiment gone wrong? The strange result of a man crossed with a flamingo?
more photos...

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126--Puerto Rico: For the Birds
@ CherieSpotting     Apr 01 2003 - 11:30 PST
Cherie and Stan with their fowl friends.

Cherie and Stan with their fowl friends.

Cherie writes: Attack of the birds. Who knew that a friendly pigeon feeding could turn into an attack! Birds were pecking and scratching and scraping the bare skin off my Dad's sunburned back.

My Dad? That's right! My dad (Stan) and step-mom Joanne flew in to Puerto Rico to visit us! We've taken them to the local market (where they bought exactly one mango), the rainforest (where they sampled the nectar of the coconut straight from the source) and to the birthplace of the Pina Colada where we sucked down the slushy beverage like we'd never tasted it before. more photos...

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