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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"I should like to spend the whole of my life traveling, if I could borrow another life to spend at home." -- Hazlitt


Episode 6: El Pared Calle Periodico (The Wall Street Journal)
@ Where`s Cherie?     Aug 05 2002 - 16:07 PST
cherie writes: February 1999

Where we are:South America--the land where everything is the oldest, highest, longest, deepest, strangest, or somethingest in the world. I just left Cusco, Peru, a charming city of red-tiled roofs tucked between rolling green hills. It is the OLDEST continuously inhabited city on the planet, and its streets are still lined with Inca built walls. (Translation for American travelers: Inca built walls = no heat.) Tourists world wide are drawn here seeking the spiritual energy of Machu Picchu.

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Episode 5: Peru, Peru, Peru
@ Where`s Cherie?     Aug 05 2002 - 16:06 PST
cherie writes: February 1999

Hello, Greetings from Lima, the city where everything is legal from gambling to coca leaves. And people wonder why there is is drug problem in South America. You may want to consider banning the plant that makes the drugs...just a random thought. Yesterday I stayed with a family in central Lima. For a $1.50 I got a room for a night, and two meals. I watched the sun met into a crimson sky, over a mess or bricks and rubble, I feel guilty calling homes.

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Episode 4: The Next Chapter in Peru
@ Where`s Cherie?     Aug 05 2002 - 16:05 PST
cherie writes: January 1999

I am traveling through time, visiting ancient villages, historic ruins, and glimpsing into the life of cultures whose traditions have weathered the years of time.

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Episode 3: The Peruvian Times
@ Where`s Cherie?     Aug 05 2002 - 16:04 PST
cherie writes: January 1999

We just visited some local islands off of the Peruvian coast called Paracas, or to the locals 'The Galapagos Islands for the Poor'. There was a myriad of strange and wonderful sealife, my favorite... the Peruvian Penguins. We were not able to swim because jellyfish littered the water like lillypads in a lagoon.

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Episode 2: Peru
@ Where`s Cherie?     Aug 05 2002 - 16:02 PST
cherie writes: January 1999

I am in Peru. I am staying with a wonderful family whose child stares at me all day long. Whenever she cries they bring her in to look at me and she seems mesmerized. She has never seen anyone blonde before. Her wide eyes are either saying she likes me a lot, or she is very scared of me. The worst thing that has happened so far is a minor explosion of my body lotion in my suitcase. So all of my toiletries are very very moist and supple.

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