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"Unhappiness is not knowing what we want, and killing ourselves to get it." -- Don Herold


443: Cal--Tacky Engagement Party (Part 2)
@ CherieSpotting     May 18 2010 - 12:07 PST
cherie writes: Now how can we be sure that we were at a trailer-trash party?

You might be at Cherie & Greg’s Engagement Party if: the kiddie pool is filled with beer, the coolers are Styrofoam, the furniture is inflatable (or held together with duct tape), the cuisine is hot-links, the teeth are bad, the hair is big, the tattoos are removable, the fashion is animal-print, the eyelashes are fake and the art is compliments of NASCAR. Don’t forget Jerry Springer on the big screen!

Call them folks what you like: white trash, trailer trash or red neck…I call them friends and family. Here’s another batch of trashy photos. First Batch of Pics
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442: Cal: Cherie & Greg's Tacky Engagement Party (Part 1)
@ Where`s Cherie?     May 17 2010 - 14:14 PST
cherie writes: Do you love NASCAR, pink flamingos and fuzzy dice? Do you secretly dream of cheese-wiz and spam? Do you think doughnuts are an "anytime" food? Do you drive a purple Camaro? (Seriously, that was Greg’s car until he upgraded to the ’92 300ZX)

Do your muscle shirts and fringe jackets not get the appreciation that they deserve? Then you shouldn’t miss these photos of Cherie and Greg’s Tacky Engagement Party. After eight years, Cherie and Greg are finally makin' it legal. Don't miss the Second Batch of Pics
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390--Netherlands: Sensation White Dance Party 07.07.07
@ CherieSpotting     Jul 07 2007 - 10:23 PST
Sensation White Dance Party 2007, the "World's Leading Dance Event" at the Amsterdam Arena, the Netherlands.

Sensation White Dance Party 2007, the "World's Leading Dance Event" at the Amsterdam Arena, the Netherlands.

cherie writes: On the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th year, Amsterdam celebrated “The World’s Leading Dance Party” at the Amsterdam Arena. It’s called “Sensation White” and 45,000 people gather to dance from 9:00pm to 6:00am—and did I mention, everyone is dressed in white?

Why white? Here’s the story: a few years back the brother of the Sensation Party’s organizer died and at the funeral everyone wore white. They decided that year to have everyone at the Sensation Party dress and white as well, and it was such a success, that it’s become a yearly event. In fact now there are Sensation White Dance Events in cities all over the world. The Sensation White Party sold out this year in 2 hours.

Marjo, Claudia, Karin, Eric and I threw on our white party outfits and white wooden shoes. I had this idea since we were in Amsterdam that we should wear Dutch white wooden shoes to the event. Lesson Learned: Don’t wear wooden shoes to an all-night dance event!
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382--California: St. Patrick's Day at ALYC
@ CherieSpotting     Mar 17 2007 - 17:01 PST
The ladies celebrate St. Patrick's Day (and Beth's Birthday) at the American Legion Yacht Club in Newport Beach.

The ladies celebrate St. Patrick's Day (and Beth's Birthday) at the American Legion Yacht Club in Newport Beach.

cherie writes: A wise person (Cherie) once said: Never fear a green beer. So let go of the mean, and throw on some green!

It’s St. Patrick’s Day! It’s time to celebrate that old saint from the Emerald Isle that legends say drove the snakes out of Ireland.

Grab a shamrock, kiss a leprechaun and fill your belly with corned beef and cabbage. This is a day to celebrate the coming of spring in all her blossoming green glory.

Remember this: Never iron a 4-leaf clover, because you don’t want to press your luck!
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373--California: Oktoberfest--Are you out of your stein?
@ Where`s Cherie?     Nov 14 2006 - 09:43 PST
Are you out of your stein?  Be sure to refill your mug with German beer at the best Oktoberfest on the West Coast in Old World, Huntington Beach.

Are you out of your stein? Be sure to refill your mug with German beer at the best Oktoberfest on the West Coast in Old World, Huntington Beach.

cherie writes: If you don't want to travel 6,000 miles to Germany's Oktoberfest, come to Old World, Huntington Beach.

Oktoberfest celebrations are not all created equal. In Munich, 6.5 million people celebrate Oktoberfest by drinking 5.8 million liters of beer over 16 days.

Old World's celebration has bratwurst, sauerkraut, potato salad, pretzels and apple strudel...and of course, plenty of German beer.

They also have a full-sized yellow chicken to lead the "chicken dance" and an imported band from Austria. And for those with big muscles and big livers there are the beer stein holding and beer drinking contests.
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370--California: The Mustache Party
@ CherieSpotting     Oct 13 2006 - 18:17 PST
Four ladies eagerly darn mustaches, bushy eyebrows and goatees at the Mushtache Party held at the Costa Mesa restaurant called "Memphis."

Four ladies eagerly darn mustaches, bushy eyebrows and goatees at the Mushtache Party held at the Costa Mesa restaurant called "Memphis."

cherie writes: No matter how you spell it, the mustache (or moustache) is back! Some people called the tuft of hair over your lip a stache, tash or mo—but you shouldn’t split hairs over what it's called. Facts are facts. That swath of lip fuzz, conventionally known as a mustache, is showing up on more faces than ever!

Celebrating his company’s 10-year anniversary, Ramsey Dau hosted a fabulous Mustache Party! The society’s crème de la crème showed up at Memphis, darned in home-grown authentic mustaches. Those who forgot their stache at home were supplied with temporary furry-additions in all the latest styles including: the Friendly Barber, Mr. Potato Head, the Handlebar, the Magnum PI, the Hogan, the Parisian, and the Quick-Draw McGraw.

Out-dated styles like the Fu Manchu, the Walrus, the Charlie Chaplin and the Salvador Dali were no where to be found. Some guests preferred to morph their stache into a unibrow or goatee. While mustaches are not contagious, consider yourself warned--watch out for the fuzz. It may attack you next!
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355--California: The Crazy Hat Birthday Bash
@ CherieSpotting     Jun 19 2006 - 08:55 PST
Celebrating Cherie's birthday (June 20) and Scott's birthday (June 21) at Beth & Richard's house with great food and silly hats.

Celebrating Cherie's birthday (June 20) and Scott's birthday (June 21) at Beth & Richard's house with great food and silly hats.

Cherie writes: It's time to put your hat on and take your shoes off! Last week we ate, drank and acted silly in honor of Cherie's 35th Birthday (and all June birthdays--Lauri, Scott, Joe!)

Most people can't resist the temptation to try on a hat and discover in the mirror a person they never suspected was there. A hat alters the image we have of ourselves, and the image others see as well. For the hours we wear it, a hat brings out different dimension in our personality. Saying you don't look good in a hat is like saying you don't look good in shoes!

The hat wearers were out in force: those who were comfortable in hats, and those who would not feel more conspicuous if two wombats were mating on their head.

It's a beautiful country...why not wear a funky hat! Special thanks to the hosts (Beth and Richard) everyone who left their hat on!
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