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"Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been." -- Mark Twain


390--Netherlands: Sensation White Dance Party 07.07.07
@ CherieSpotting     Jul 07 2007 - 10:23 PST
Sensation White Dance Party 2007, the "World's Leading Dance Event" at the Amsterdam Arena, the Netherlands.

Sensation White Dance Party 2007, the "World's Leading Dance Event" at the Amsterdam Arena, the Netherlands.

cherie writes: On the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th year, Amsterdam celebrated “The World’s Leading Dance Party” at the Amsterdam Arena. It’s called “Sensation White” and 45,000 people gather to dance from 9:00pm to 6:00am—and did I mention, everyone is dressed in white?

Why white? Here’s the story: a few years back the brother of the Sensation Party’s organizer died and at the funeral everyone wore white. They decided that year to have everyone at the Sensation Party dress and white as well, and it was such a success, that it’s become a yearly event. In fact now there are Sensation White Dance Events in cities all over the world. The Sensation White Party sold out this year in 2 hours.

Marjo, Claudia, Karin, Eric and I threw on our white party outfits and white wooden shoes. I had this idea since we were in Amsterdam that we should wear Dutch white wooden shoes to the event. Lesson Learned: Don’t wear wooden shoes to an all-night dance event!
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389--Netherlands: 4th of July in Holland
@ CherieSpotting     Jul 04 2007 - 16:11 PST
A group of Dutch friends (and one Belgian) celebrate 4th of July with the Americans--Cherie and Brian.

A group of Dutch friends (and one Belgian) celebrate 4th of July with the Americans--Cherie and Brian.

cherie writes: How do you celebrate 4th of July in the Netherlands? With a Chinese flag, of course! A dozen Dutch (and one Belgian) friends gathered in Holland to celebrate 4th of July with two Americans—Cherie and Brian.

First Brian and I had to explain to everyone what 4th of July was. America’s Independence Day, of course! Independence from what, our Dutch friends asked. The British!

Our international gang celebrated in style with hot dogs (out of a can!), hamburgers, chips, salad (which no one ate because there are vitamins in vegetables) and home-made apple pie.

No matter how hard we looked at the grocery store, we couldn’t find any American beer. Brian suggested the American beer was all “sold out” because of the 4th of July, but I think it was because the Dutch know better than to drink that crap. (Side-note: The making-love-in-a-canoe joke was a big success!)

The only American flag we could find was a doormat, and I’m not sure what that says about our country. Technically the American flag isn’t supposed to touch the ground, so we were breaking all kinds of rules with a flag on a doormat! And why did a Chinese flag fly outside our 4th of July party in the Netherlands? Because Claudia adopted a little girl named Noa from China!
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