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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"To be a woman is something so strange, so confusing and so complicated that only a woman could put up with it." -- Kierkegaard


256--Ireland: Aren't We All a Little Irish?
@ CherieSpotting     Nov 23 2004 - 20:14 PST
Cherie slips into Dawson's Lounge, Dublin's smallest pub.

Cherie slips into Dawson's Lounge, Dublin's smallest pub.

cherie writes: Renee is a elementary school teacher who got bit by the travel bug a few years ago. Every chance Renee gets, she hops on a plane to somewhere new. We've traveled together now for the past five years.

This time, we added a few more friends to the mix named: Hope, Stacey and Julie. The ladies met in Ireland for a pint at a local pub. Then we did a week-long pub crawl that left our livers begging for their own vacation.
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255--Northern Ireland: Belfast
@ CherieSpotting     Nov 23 2004 - 09:42 PST
Cherie, Lindsay and Kat in front of "the Tavern", an IRA hangout on Kent St. in Belfast.  You have to be buzzed into this caged bar.

Cherie, Lindsay and Kat in front of "the Tavern", an IRA hangout on Kent St. in Belfast. You have to be buzzed into this caged bar.

cherie writes: The colorful houses of Belfast speak a history of political and religious strife. It's where people scribble their wishes for peace on the Shankill Peace Wall. But I wonder, if you need a wall to keep the "peace", do you really have peace?

We explored both the Catholic and Protestant areas of Belfast. On Kent Street you can visit "the Tavern", an caged bar where IRA patrons have to be buzzed in.
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254--Northern Ireland: Giant's Causeway & Carrick-a-rede Rope Bridge
@ Where`s Cherie?     Nov 22 2004 - 19:22 PST
Cherie stops to admire a castle on the way to the Giant's Causeway in Antrim County, Northern Ireland.

Cherie stops to admire a castle on the way to the Giant's Causeway in Antrim County, Northern Ireland.

cherie writes: County Atrim boasts as many natural wonders as man-made wonders. The Giant's Causeway is a nautral phenomenon the cooling lava of erupting volcanoes produced fantastic moon-like formations. Some of the strange basalt columns stretch 40 feet into the sky! It leaves one to wonder: was this marvel created by tools, nature or some mythical giant?

Nearby the Giant's Causeway is the Carrick-a-rede rope bridge tethering a nearby fishing island to Northern Ireland's coast. Swinging on the rope bridge 80 feet over the crashing sea offers travelers quite a rush!

A few miles away is the 17th century Dunluce Castle precariously perched over the raging Atlantic. All in a day's work!
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253--Northern Ireland: Derry or Free Derry
@ CherieSpotting     Nov 21 2004 - 17:00 PST
How'd they get that rock up there?  On the way to Derry, we visit many of Ireland's mysterious dolmens.

How'd they get that rock up there? On the way to Derry, we visit many of Ireland's mysterious dolmens.

cherie writes: Few tourists have ventured to Northern Ireland in the past 35 years, since the country has been plagued with terrorism and violence. Now at peace, the only thing we battled was 80 mph winds on a cliff.

While the "war" is over, the city is still very much divided. My religious background was always asked about within the first three questions. Most conversations went something like this:

1. What's your name? (Usually by the person's name, you can tell if they are Irish, and hence a Catholic.)

2. What school did you go to? If it is a Catholic school, you are Catholic.

If neither of these two questions gives a clue what religion you are...such as Cherie Sogsti and UCLA, the third question is always the same.

3. Are you Catholic or Protestant? In Derry there are no other choices.
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252--Ireland: Connemara
@ CherieSpotting     Nov 18 2004 - 13:02 PST
Cherie near an old stone castle in Connemara, Ireland.

Cherie near an old stone castle in Connemara, Ireland.

cherie writes: Three friends and I decided to take a road trip in Ireland to Connemara. It's a place where time stands still, lakes reflect the mountains like mirrors and stone castles stand proud surviving centuries of struggles with the feirce Irish elements.

Lindsay, Kat, Peter and I stayed in an old monastery and warmed ourselves with local hospitality (called Guinness). During the days we explored Ireland's rugged tranquility.

To find out more about Connemara see
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209--Ireland: Kissing the Blarney Stone
@ CherieSpotting     Apr 16 2004 - 16:12 PST
Pucker up.  Cherie kissing the Blarney Stone.  You have to bend over backwards and hold on to kiss the famous stone.

Pucker up. Cherie kissing the Blarney Stone. You have to bend over backwards and hold on to kiss the famous stone.

cherie writes: We were hesitant at first. Kissing the Blarney stone is a wee bit confusing. What is Irish kissing etiquette? Do you buy the stone dinner before you kiss it? Do you use your tongue the first time? Or do you just bend backwards and go for it!
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208--Ireland: That's a Bunch of Killarney!
@ CherieSpotting     Apr 12 2004 - 11:02 PST
Cherie and Enrico ride past the Muckross house, Killarney.

Cherie and Enrico ride past the Muckross house, Killarney.

cherie writes: Here are the photos of our bike ride through Killarney!
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