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"Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been." -- Mark Twain


443: Cal--Tacky Engagement Party (Part 2)
@ CherieSpotting     May 18 2010 - 12:07 PST
cherie writes: Now how can we be sure that we were at a trailer-trash party?

You might be at Cherie & Greg’s Engagement Party if: the kiddie pool is filled with beer, the coolers are Styrofoam, the furniture is inflatable (or held together with duct tape), the cuisine is hot-links, the teeth are bad, the hair is big, the tattoos are removable, the fashion is animal-print, the eyelashes are fake and the art is compliments of NASCAR. Don’t forget Jerry Springer on the big screen!

Call them folks what you like: white trash, trailer trash or red neck…I call them friends and family. Here’s another batch of trashy photos. First Batch of Pics
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442: Cal: Cherie & Greg's Tacky Engagement Party (Part 1)
@ Where`s Cherie?     May 17 2010 - 14:14 PST
cherie writes: Do you love NASCAR, pink flamingos and fuzzy dice? Do you secretly dream of cheese-wiz and spam? Do you think doughnuts are an "anytime" food? Do you drive a purple Camaro? (Seriously, that was Greg’s car until he upgraded to the ’92 300ZX)

Do your muscle shirts and fringe jackets not get the appreciation that they deserve? Then you shouldn’t miss these photos of Cherie and Greg’s Tacky Engagement Party. After eight years, Cherie and Greg are finally makin' it legal. Don't miss the Second Batch of Pics
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355--California: The Crazy Hat Birthday Bash
@ CherieSpotting     Jun 19 2006 - 08:55 PST
Celebrating Cherie's birthday (June 20) and Scott's birthday (June 21) at Beth & Richard's house with great food and silly hats.

Celebrating Cherie's birthday (June 20) and Scott's birthday (June 21) at Beth & Richard's house with great food and silly hats.

Cherie writes: It's time to put your hat on and take your shoes off! Last week we ate, drank and acted silly in honor of Cherie's 35th Birthday (and all June birthdays--Lauri, Scott, Joe!)

Most people can't resist the temptation to try on a hat and discover in the mirror a person they never suspected was there. A hat alters the image we have of ourselves, and the image others see as well. For the hours we wear it, a hat brings out different dimension in our personality. Saying you don't look good in a hat is like saying you don't look good in shoes!

The hat wearers were out in force: those who were comfortable in hats, and those who would not feel more conspicuous if two wombats were mating on their head.

It's a beautiful country...why not wear a funky hat! Special thanks to the hosts (Beth and Richard) everyone who left their hat on!
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168--California: The Ice-Ladies Cometh
@ CherieSpotting     Dec 29 2003 - 14:50 PST
Hop on the human-train, or stay out of the way!

Hop on the human-train, or stay out of the way!

cherie writes: I’m convinced that whoever made up the sport of ice-skating was a certifiable nut. What was the psycho thinking? Let’s put sharp blades on people’s shoes and let them slip around on a slab of ice. It’s probably the same person who invented darts. Is it really a good idea to give a sloppy drunk a baby-ice-pick (with feathers on the back) and let him throw it around the bar? “Try to avoid the other drunks, please!”

Anyway, this lunatic who invented ice-skating did something even crazier! He (or she?) decided that the best place to put this chunk of frozen water is on the beach. That’s right. Now “Surf City” AKA Huntington Beach, has its own outdoor ice-skating rink. (It’s Southern California’s way of letting its residents know it is winter.)
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152--California: Long Beach Triathlon
@ Site News     Sep 21 2003 - 08:36 PST
Greg rushes the finish line at full speed for a spectacular finish to his first triathlon!

Greg rushes the finish line at full speed for a spectacular finish to his first triathlon!

cherie writes: Greg did his first triathlon! The location was Long Beach, CA on September 21st. Eight of my friends (plus a thousand other people) did the .5 mile swim, 12 mile bike, and 3 mile run! The youngest person to complete the race was 13 and the oldest was 74. The fastest time was Mark Lees who came in just under one hour (59:46).

Here are the times and places for my friends in the 30-34 male age group:

Dave 4th place 1:08
Justin 5th place 1:09
Kevin 10th place 1:12
Chris 22nd place 1:16 (he even had to fix a flat tire!)
Mark 26th place 1:17

Greg came in 41st in his age group of 25-29 years old males with a time of 1:32, not bad for only training 9 days before the race.
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129--California: Stella The Baby
@ CherieSpotting     May 08 2003 - 19:48 PST
Everyone wants to kiss Stellarain, even Mango the dog!

Everyone wants to kiss Stellarain, even Mango the dog!

cherie writes: Jenn and Grady became a family on January 12, 2003 with the addition of a little girl they named Stellarain.

I visited Jenn and Grady and had a deep talk with Stellarain. Stella is a cheerful baby and seems to be well adjusted to the world outside the womb. She has already set goals for herself such as rolling over as soon as possible. (Of course, I think if she really puts her mind to it, she should be able to use the internet soon and loose money on stocks like the rest of us.)

Stella is a joy and everyone, including Mango (the family dog), can't help but smother her in kisses!
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85--Kevin's First Tri
@ Site News     Sep 22 2002 - 14:40 PST
The group of 30 to 34 year olds in the competition all wore red caps.  They were the age-group considered to be the fastest so they started first, just one minute after the professionals.  Kevin's in a red cap!

The group of 30 to 34 year olds in the competition all wore red caps. They were the age-group considered to be the fastest so they started first, just one minute after the professionals. Kevin's in a red cap!

cherie writes: On Sunday September 22, 2002 Kevin Gardiner completed his first triathlon in 1:16 minutes. It was the Long Beach Triathlon and a group of friends (including Greg, Diane, Hilda, and myself) went down to the beach to watch the warm sunrise and the swimmers jump into the cool ocean. The event started with a 1/2 mile swim (Kevin's strongest event), then a 13 mile bike, to be finished by a 3 mile run. Kevin was the athlete, I was the photographer, and Greg was the videographer. Here are the results.
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