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"Being in a ship is being in jail, with the chance of being drowned." -- Samuel Johnson


387--Estonia (Eesti): Tallinn the Truth
@ CherieSpotting     Jun 29 2007 - 08:39 PST
Cherie with a nut-seller in the charming city of Tallinn, Estonia. (Estonia is only a 90-minute ferry ride from Helsinki, Finland.)

Cherie with a nut-seller in the charming city of Tallinn, Estonia. (Estonia is only a 90-minute ferry ride from Helsinki, Finland.)

cherie writes: Tallinn, Estonia is a charming city that is a must-see for anyone who finds themselves in Helsinki, Finland. Although you can easily see the city in 5 hours, Tallinn deserves more.

After a short 90-minute ferry ride across the Gulf of Finland, Brenda and I arrived in Estonia’s capital city. As we strolled through the cobbled streets and admired the stunning architecture, it felt like we turned back the clock a few hundred years (and turned back prices a few decades!) Many people take the ferry to Estonia just to stock up on supplies and cheap alcohol.

The signs may warn of purse-snatchers, but Brenda and I felt perfectly safe wandering around the slow curves of the city. In the town square, we ran into a group of car racers competing in the centennial 2007 Peking to Paris car race. These classic cars blended with a classic city that every traveler should put on their list of places not to miss!
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