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"Age is a high price to pay for maturity." -- Tom Stoppard
Death Valley
410--California: Death Valley, a Low Point
@ CherieSpotting
Apr 14 2008 - 19:36 PST |
 Cherie sitting in the middle of Badwater, Death Valley, the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. | cherie writes: It may be the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere, but Badwater isn’t all that bad. (But don’t drink the water!) Sure it’s hot in April, but Greg, Karem, Dean and I managed to gather some of the salt-crusted earth and build a small tribute (we called it salt art) to nature in the ninety degree heat.
As the sun set, we headed to Ubehebe Crater for a stroll around its lip. Also known as marr volcanoes, Ubehebe and the surrounding craters were formed about 3,000 years ago—which explains all their wrinkles! Enjoy these photos of Badwater and Ubehebe Crater taken from Death Valley, California.
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409--California: Death Valley--Dunes & Devils
@ CherieSpotting
Apr 08 2008 - 10:42 PST |
 Cherie and Greg on the salt cracked Devil's Golf Course in Death Valley, California. | cherie writes: Karem, Dean, Greg and I went to the Devil’s Golf Course to see if we could get a birdie. No birds there, just lots of crusty salt and a view of jagged white earth that seemed to go on forever. But we found a tiny salt cavern and tasted the salt of the earth (salty, as you might expect!)
Next we headed to a sea of sand and I climbed to the top of the highest dune in Mesquite Flat Dunes (I can tell you from experience that they aren’t flat.) Dean and Karem admired the blooming flowers while Greg sprawled out on a polygon cracked ancient lakebed. We ended the day exhausted (but hydrated!) Here are some photos from Death Valley National Park.
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