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"Age is a high price to pay for maturity." -- Tom Stoppard


443: Cal--Tacky Engagement Party (Part 2)
@ CherieSpotting     May 18 2010 - 12:07 PST
cherie writes: Now how can we be sure that we were at a trailer-trash party?

You might be at Cherie & Greg’s Engagement Party if: the kiddie pool is filled with beer, the coolers are Styrofoam, the furniture is inflatable (or held together with duct tape), the cuisine is hot-links, the teeth are bad, the hair is big, the tattoos are removable, the fashion is animal-print, the eyelashes are fake and the art is compliments of NASCAR. Don’t forget Jerry Springer on the big screen!

Call them folks what you like: white trash, trailer trash or red neck…I call them friends and family. Here’s another batch of trashy photos. First Batch of Pics
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442: Cal: Cherie & Greg's Tacky Engagement Party (Part 1)
@ Where`s Cherie?     May 17 2010 - 14:14 PST
cherie writes: Do you love NASCAR, pink flamingos and fuzzy dice? Do you secretly dream of cheese-wiz and spam? Do you think doughnuts are an "anytime" food? Do you drive a purple Camaro? (Seriously, that was Greg’s car until he upgraded to the ’92 300ZX)

Do your muscle shirts and fringe jackets not get the appreciation that they deserve? Then you shouldn’t miss these photos of Cherie and Greg’s Tacky Engagement Party. After eight years, Cherie and Greg are finally makin' it legal. Don't miss the Second Batch of Pics
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440--California: Italian Mafia Party
@ CherieSpotting     Jan 18 2010 - 12:22 PST
The tacky, fabulous "mafia wives" ready to ride: Tracy, Cherie & Brooke.

The tacky, fabulous "mafia wives" ready to ride: Tracy, Cherie & Brooke.

cherie writes: Brooke & Kevin hosted an Italian Mafia Party, where we dressed up, made homemade pasta, ate Italian food, wrapped the couch in plastic, posed on Brooke’s scooter, drank wine, puffed on cigars and tried to “act Italian” (whatever that means!)
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438--California: Mom's Pink Party for Breast Cancer Awareness
@ Site News     Sep 22 2009 - 10:15 PST
Michelle, Tonya, Bev (Mom) and Cherie. We hosted a "pink party" to gather our friends and family to help our Mom fight breast cancer.

Michelle, Tonya, Bev (Mom) and Cherie. We hosted a "pink party" to gather our friends and family to help our Mom fight breast cancer.

cherie writes: A month ago my mom felt like she was healthier than ever. At 62 years old, she was walking 5-7 miles a day. After losing fifty pounds and keeping it off, my mom was enjoying her retirement in the desert with her husband (32 years) Eddy.

Last month my mom got her annual check up and the annual mammogram showed something suspicious. After countless tests, my mom has been diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer with spine and liver metastasis. More about Beverly Myint.

My sisters and I hosted a “Pink Party” for my mom this weekend, where we gathered friends and family to show our love and support. We wore pink, ate pink and dyed pink stripes in our hair. Even though my sister Michelle was sick—she spent 8 hours dying people’s hair. We were so grateful for all the love, hope and support we have received. My mom starts weekly chemo treatments next week. Our family and friends will support and love her every step of this battle against breast cancer.
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415: California: the glass art of Dale Chihuly
@ CherieSpotting     Sep 12 2008 - 18:25 PST
Eleven galleries of Dale Chihuly glass art can be found until September 28th at the de Young Museum in San Francisco, CA.  Don't miss it!

Eleven galleries of Dale Chihuly glass art can be found until September 28th at the de Young Museum in San Francisco, CA. Don't miss it!

cherie writes: I am intrigued by fragile nature of glass. I am mesmerized by the act of glass-blowing. I was awe-struck by the incredible eleven rooms of Dale Chihuly glass exhibits currently on display until September 28, 2008 at the de Young Museum in San Francisco. (Get your tickets in advance to insure a space!)

From glass gardens to underwater glassy worlds, Dale Chihuly creates a world of impossible spiraling color. Each room displays a unique theme from massive flowers to intricate Indian baskets to ornate chandeliers. It takes about 60-90 minutes to wander through the Chihuly exhibit, but plan for an entire day and enjoy the rest of the museum.

For those in Southern California, there will be a Chihuly exhibit in Palm Desert from October 1-31st.
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410--California: Death Valley, a Low Point
@ CherieSpotting     Apr 14 2008 - 19:36 PST
Cherie sitting in the middle of Badwater, Death Valley, the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere.

Cherie sitting in the middle of Badwater, Death Valley, the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere.

cherie writes: It may be the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere, but Badwater isn’t all that bad. (But don’t drink the water!) Sure it’s hot in April, but Greg, Karem, Dean and I managed to gather some of the salt-crusted earth and build a small tribute (we called it salt art) to nature in the ninety degree heat.

As the sun set, we headed to Ubehebe Crater for a stroll around its lip. Also known as marr volcanoes, Ubehebe and the surrounding craters were formed about 3,000 years ago—which explains all their wrinkles! Enjoy these photos of Badwater and Ubehebe Crater taken from Death Valley, California.
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409--California: Death Valley--Dunes & Devils
@ CherieSpotting     Apr 08 2008 - 10:42 PST
Cherie and Greg on the salt cracked Devil's Golf Course in Death Valley, California.

Cherie and Greg on the salt cracked Devil's Golf Course in Death Valley, California.

cherie writes: Karem, Dean, Greg and I went to the Devil’s Golf Course to see if we could get a birdie. No birds there, just lots of crusty salt and a view of jagged white earth that seemed to go on forever. But we found a tiny salt cavern and tasted the salt of the earth (salty, as you might expect!)

Next we headed to a sea of sand and I climbed to the top of the highest dune in Mesquite Flat Dunes (I can tell you from experience that they aren’t flat.) Dean and Karem admired the blooming flowers while Greg sprawled out on a polygon cracked ancient lakebed. We ended the day exhausted (but hydrated!) Here are some photos from Death Valley National Park.
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