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"You can tell the size of a man by the size of the things that make him mad." -- Adlai Stevenson
391--Belgium: Tour de France 2007 , Stage 2 Gent (Gand)
@ CherieSpotting
Jul 10 2007 - 11:46 PST |
 Cherie & Brian at the 2007 Tour de France. Stage 2 ended in Gand (or Gent) depending on whether you speak French or Dutch. | cherie writes: Brian and I took the train to Gand, Belgium to see the finish of the second stage of the Tour de France 2007. The nice thing about being in Belgium is that each city has three names (a Dutch, French & English name). So depending on what map you’re looking at, you need to get off at Ghent, Gand or Gent which is fabulous for tourists.
At the train station, the ticket-seller said there was a “special price” to travel to see the Tour de France. Note: in Belgium “special price” means more, not less. “Are you going to see the Tour de France,” the ticket-seller asked. “It depends. How much is it going to cost us to answer that question honestly?”
Brian and I often joke about the things in Europe that cost money that shouldn’t. Ketchup and toilets, for example. Condiments and bathrooms should be free, especially when you spend the day waiting for 188 bikers in tight clothing to wiz by. The spectators end up drinking a lot of beer and eating a lot of French fries during the “waiting process.”
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