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"The human race is faced with a cruel choice: work or daytime television." -- Anonymous
Airplanes & Fast Cars
176--California: Aviatrix in a 1940 Stearman
@ CherieSpotting
Jan 17 2004 - 19:13 PST |
 Cherie spends the day buzzing around LA, flying a 1940 Stearman with pilot Gabe Lopez. *Photo by Norm | cherie writes: Travel back in time. Back to the days where men wore trousers and women swooned. The year was 1940, and the first plane Navy pilots flew was a bi-plane called a Stearman. Built by Boeing, it was called a Model 75. The Navy called it an N2S-3.
Gabe Lopez takes passengers for the ride of their life in his bright yellow Navy Stearman. When juxtaposed against a blue sky, it looks like a model-airplane; as if someone from the ground should be operating the controls.
I was hoping that Gabe would thrill me with some steep turns and tricks, so I prepared myself: I ate an ice-cream right before. I figured if something was going to come back up—it better taste good.
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157--California: I Can Fly
@ CherieSpotting
Oct 21 2003 - 11:48 PST |
 Cherie in a Paris Jet. | cherie writes: $49 bucks doesn't go very far these days. It can get you dinner for two (no dessert or wine),or a pair of shoes (not name brand.) Or, for $49 you can learn to fly an airplane!
I took California Flight Academy up on its offer of $49 for an introductory flight. Chief instructor Greg Webster, sat me down with an interactive computer program that explained everything I would need to know about my first flight. Like Lenscrafters, it took about an hour.
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132--California: Racing Porsches
@ CherieSpotting
Jun 09 2003 - 19:10 PST |
 Cherie looks like a natural in the driver's seat. Her quick reaction time and comfort behind the wheel impress everyone. | cherie writes: Here is the FCT (Famous Cherie Test) to see if you are a race-car driver:
1. If you put nitrogen in your tires (instead of air) you may be a race-car driver.
2. If your driver’s window is mesh (instead of glass) you may be a race-car driver.
3. If your gas is blue (instead of gas-colored) you may be a race-car driver.
4. If your car expenses are more than your home expenses, you may be a race-car driver.
5. If you can change all four tires and fill up with gas in nine seconds, you may be a race-car driver.
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